Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Alvinisms 626

"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight - it's the size of the fight in the dog."

-Dwight D. Eisenhower

Did you know: The longest one syllable word is "screeched"

Thought of the day: Edwin and I just had the craziest, weirdest, trippiest, coincidental conversation. RIP Ray Underhill.

BTW, look out for Propostion 69 that Vince and I came up with. It's called Hoes and Hobos.

Food picture of the day:

I like this new website I found. It integrates the ingredients into the picture. Look closely. This one is a peppercorn crusted sea scallop w/ squash, oregano, and lemon.

-Alvinism of the Wildboyz

I spy Chip peeking through the fence.

These turtles were hungry. They followed TK and I everywhere we went. We nicknamed them "zombie turtles".

Upclose and personal.

Toes can get low for a tall guy. The turtles are still attacking!

Mr. Pro Skater has a soft spot of the Jabbawockeez.

This a Gorilla Tripod but we called it the "Triple Dildo". "Ass to ass to ass!"

Mrs. Santos is the photographer and Mr. Santos is the male model.

Willy magic.

Hehehe. Squinting TK. Look at your hands.

I didn't take that many sexy Willy shots. But here's one of them, even though I don't think he'd skate on the dirt trail.

Playful Willy. Haha!

I made all the pictures of old time Poway black and white.

Leading lines.
Creeping through the trees for a shot at Willis.

I like silhouettes.

I spy a dead body.

Oh wait, it Toes taking pictures of Willis and Shals.

No...of toys!

Oh.....Its of them and the toys!!!

What a nice day. TK's pictures in the next Alvinism.


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