Monday, May 29, 2006

Alvinisms 86

Hi hi hiya this is the 86th of the many "Alvinisms" which are cool quotes, random facts, or just thoughts of the moment everyday. Check up on the Wildboyz website also because they are on there too under the Chronicles section so you can read old ones! Sign the guestbook please and show the Wildboyz some oo la la. Peace. Love. Faith.

"Ass master, cock master!."

-Kimtan and Leonard of the WBZ

Did you know: I was drunk on my last performance last night at HOB, I think I still did okay? Someone please tell me...

Thought of the day: So now the waiting game is super into effect because Vince and I are planning our next couple years around our teaching English in Japan. Ho hum. Anyhow, last night was super dope, thanks to everyone who came out and I hope you had a blast as well. I know I was drunk on my performance so excuse me if I was a lil sloppy slops but it was so fun! Thank you to those who made it out to my graduation, I really appreciate it. Thank you Wildboyz for driving up, thank you Mavynites for driving down. The whole day was one of my happiest ever, I kept telling Fatch and Lai that. Dude, who saw the MANGINA backstage, holla! Hahahahaha! Now the Wildboyz have to focus on Body Rock and our part, if ya'll can make it out we'll be selling our new Shirts and some really dope goodies. FO SHO! THE WILDBOYZ BLOWIN UP! Peace. Love. Faith.

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This isn't a thizz/jizz face, this picture of Special Ed just makes me laugh.
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This is fellow Luchador KJ, this picture makes me laugh even when I don't look at it. Mike, you look evil back there.

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