Thursday, February 12, 2009

Alvinisms 728


-Father Lou at every Easter Mass.

Did you know: I was very close to moving to Santa Maria on my own in middle school and studying to become a priest. True story.

Thought of the day: Thursday I went to the viewing of my favorite pastor, Father Lou (83). I wasn't sure how I'd react to it but while I was there praying the rosary and listening to the speakers when I realized that this man has been guiding my faith for about 15 years, and even if I stopped going to church every Sunday at OLMC I always remembered how he spoke, the message he delivered and how he could throw in a joke at the randomest moment. Maybe that's why I loved him so much.

Many people regard him as the coolest or funniest pastor at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and he deserving earned the name. But he also was an amazing person and that's how he'll be remembered. I'll end my "Thought of the Day" w/ an awesome story of Father Lou.

One night Father Lou was counting the donations from the day when a man walks in with a revolver and demands all the money Father had. Without hesistation Father Lou gives the man all the money and just before he jets out the door Father Lou cries out, "Wait one minute." The man stops and turns to the aged gentleman to hear him say, "Before you go...How about a cup of coffee?"

God bless.

Food for thought: Instead of a picture I have a story and it goes like this...

Once there was a priest and a young boy. The little boy goes up to the priest and says, "Father. What's your favorite food?" The priest takes a moment and says, "A carne asada burrito. And what is yours?" The boy looks the priest dead in the eyes and says, "The Body of Christ." Point for the boy.

-Alvinism of the Wildboyz

Never forgotten. RIP.

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