Saturday, March 29, 2008

Alvinisms 471

"Spontaneity is the quality of being able to do something just because you feel like it at the moment, of trusting your instincts, of taking yourself by surprise and snatching from the clutches of your well-organized routine, a bit of unscheduled plea."


Did you know: I love doing things out of the normal like playing ping pong at hotel I'm not staying at or dancing at Korean restaurants.

Thought of the day: Dude, I love random nights or random days. To be honest, this Saturday was one of the best days if not THE best day of 2008. More of that to come later in the next Alvinism. Got lots of pics to share and tons of stories. But right now I'll let the pictures of Friday night do the talking. I love life so much right now. Peace. Love. Faith.

-Alvinism of the Wildboyz and 101

I think this picture is from The Exorcist.

Our Willys Workshop rider Jimmy Cao is now officially down w/ The Berrics. The Berrics = Steve Berra and Eric Koston. If you don't know skate then sorry. Steve Berra used to ride for Birdhouse and is now a legend and idol of the skate world. Eric Koston is the long time street competition champ and has the best selling shoes in the industry. Damn Jimmy, you got it pretty straight but you deserve it. Workshop 4 life homie.

I thought this umbrella was pretty hard. This Alvinism is just a quickie post because it might take a while for me to label all the Friday and Saturday pics. Coming soon. Promise!

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