-Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Did you know: I don't even know if my "did you knows" are real? I just get them from random sites and say they are.
Thought of the day: First off I just wanted to send a prayer to all the people who passed on 9/11/01. God rest your souls and may you always be in our prayers. I don't know if ya'll really think about the impact it has had and how it affects so many things but I just wanna be grateful for life and really enjoying living. Ferris Bueller's quote was right on the money. Life can come and go so fast. So now I'm taking a minute to say thank you and I love you to all my friends. Thank you for your support, thank you for your love, thank you for the laughs, thank you for the memories, thank you for being who you are, thank you for everything from the bottom of my heart. Love you guys.
So to brighten the mood; this is kinda late for the pictures of when Josephine and I went deep sea fishing but here you go. This week is gonna go by so slow cuz I'm hella broke from not working at the school for one week and from buying a new phone, buying dope costumes w/ JR for the party, and because I'm so antsy for the POTY!!! Party of the Year for Willy's and Shalihe's or Shalihe's and Willy's anniversary! Peace. Love. Faith.
-Alvinism of the Wildboyz

The boat left at 6:30 in the morning and we barely made it after going to a naval submarine base, talking to strangers, last second turns, no parking, running, dropping Josephine off and prayers.

This is where we load up the bait for the trip.

This is why we hate the seals. They swim under the boat and eat our fish therefore we lose a lot of catches and bait. The whole boat had a tough time.

They fillet your fish if you want then throw the guts and heads in the air. I managed to catch only one pretty big sea bass which I must say was super delicious w/ soy sauce and vinegar. Not many catches but a whole lot of fun and memories. Who wants to go next time!?!
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