Monday, November 27, 2006

Alvinisms 219

"Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him."

-Aldous Huxley (1894 - 1963), "Texts and Pretexts", 1932

Did you know: When snakes are born with two heads, they fight each other for food.

Thought of the day: So Preez came to Japan and I asked for some stuff from the shop, one thing was a tech deck so I can give it to Grant's son. Grant is the guy who's married to a Japanese woman and she cooked yakisoba and okonomiyaki for us. But anyhow, Aska (Grant's son, english name Dylan) wrote me thank you card! Now who has a thank you card from a Japanese kid! Sugoi! I'm really blessed to have met good people here and been able to do more than just hang out with gaijin and just drink all my days. I've been blessed with cool locals, good location, great friends, and soo much more. When I get back I'll tell all the stories cuz I've done more here than some have done in a year! See ya'll soon. Peace. Love. Faith.

-Alvinism of the Wildboyz

-thank you for everything

Yes those are escalators connecting the two buildings. This is the Umeda Sky Building aka The Floating Gardens.

If you are wondering what kind of hat I'm wearing, its a New Era Hanshin Tigers hat, not found at Lids or whatnot. $60!!!

This is Preezy Preez going up the escalator. She was stoke about a grip of stuff, especially that the airport was built on a manmade island!

On one of the floors close to the top you get a star to hang on a tree and make a wish. I wished the best for Fatch and his family. Don't hate on the bad grammar.

Even Santa Claus is Japanese, maybe I should call him Santa Clause-San. They call me Alvin-San or Alvin Sensei! Sugoi!

This is one view of the Floating Gardens because you can walk in a big circle and see the whole city of Osaka: north, south, east, or west...or should I say: kita, minami, nishi, higashi

Himeji Castle is all too impressive plus you actually get to walk inside, they don't allow you wear your shoes so you have to wear slippers. It's one of the few castles that has its original structure and hasn't been remade.

Preez admiring the view from the top. I like this picture.

Wildboyz 4 Life.

We've made soo many memories that will last a lifetime.

It don't matter what part of the cow its from, Kobe beef smashes all competition in taste...and price! Hundred dolla steaks yo! Dang!

The cooks. Very stoic. Very good. Very Japanese.

Kobe beef in Kobe is too amazing. I've been blessed to have eaten in twice in Japan! Some people here haven't eaten it or they were too young to remember.

This is tacoyaki, don't ask what it is, just take it in and enjoy. Kore wa oishi des!

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