Thursday, April 27, 2006

Alvinisms 55

Hi hi hiya this is the 53rd of the many "Alvinisms" which are cool quotes, random facts, or just thoughts of the moment everyday. Check up on the Wildboyz website also because they are on there too under the Chronicles section so you can read old ones! Sign the guestbook please and show the Wildboyz some oo la la. Peace. Love. Faith.

"You know what charm is: a way of getting the answer yes without having asked any clear question."

-Albert Camus

Did you know: There are more chickens in the world than people.

An ostrich egg would take four hours to hard boil.

Thought of the day: I'm late for class again, even moreso cuz I gotta get gas, pick up my wallet from Leo, and drive to Fullerton. Ho humm....But this ain't Office Space cuz I'm not gonna have a case of the mundays cuz I'm gonna watch another Padre game today! But no on the $8 beer this time! There's no picture cuz I got no time today but if you missed yesterday cuz I posted late, there a like five pictures up so go and see for yourself. What's happening May 28th? Graduation, lunch, and party at HOB, I'll see ya'll there suckas! Peas.

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