Monday, June 18, 2012

Alvinisms 1361

"When you really trust someone, you have to be okay with not understanding some things."

-[info][add][mail] Real Live Preacher,

 Thought of the day: Wow, I just got invited to wedding number 7 this year. At least I got myself a nice collection of suits, ties, and shirts now!

Food for thought:  
Creamy deviled eggs with prosciutto, goat cheese and chives. Now that's a schmancy deviled egg!

-Alvinism of the Wildboyz

Wedding time at Paradise Point.
Leo proposed to Noelle with an iPhone. No wonder she said no.
Time to head back to the trunk of the car!
The future Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Cheryl Jucco!
Allan aka Captain America. BTW, all the groomsmen had custom superhero cufflinks. Tight!
JR aka Baby Hulk.
Mama Andrea and I.
Mama Noelle and I.
Jump for joy!
I was honored to be party of their wedding. Knowing how many friends they have I was even moreso when I saw the size of the wedding! I must be an awesome friend.
These didn't last long.
After. Dankage!
Drea and Dave.
Whoa Fatch! I didn't know you started working at Chip N Dales.
I am here.

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