-Steve Prefontaine
Did you know: My goal at Miramar Lake is to never be passed by any runner.
Thought of the day: When I run Miramar or anywhere it's always a pretty fast pace. Like my "did you know" says, I never want to be passed by another runner. And I never have. It makes me wonder if I'll be able to maintain a fast pace if and when I do a marathon.
Does this mean I have to learn to speed down? That's just not my style of jogging/running. When running around the neighborhood and come up on a hill I don't slow down much and maintain a lot of my speed and cadence. I guess we'll all see.
Food for thought:
-Alvinism of the Wildboyz
Last year was fun, so should this year. Pro skaters, Cooper Wilt and Chad Fernandez, also cruised through; therefore, you should too.
2 bikers and 1 runner makes for a game of "Try and Pass Me Twice."
I just finished this movie and loved it. Some may think otherwise but let me tell you why Imma buy this. One, Adam Sandler acts regular & funny at the same time. Two, I like the story of struggle and strength. Three, there's a lot of great looking food. Four, I love Spanish accents. Five, Paz Vega is hot. Six, it makes you wanna work hard. Seven, it's emo like me.
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