Sunday, April 16, 2006

Alvinisms 46, you might learn something

Hi hi hiya this is the 46th of the many "Alvinisms" which are cool quotes, random facts, or just thoughts of the moment everyday. Check up on the Wildboyz website also because they are on there too under the Chronicles section so you can read old ones! Sign the guestbook please and show the Wildboyz some oo la la. Peace. Love. Faith.

"To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides. "

-David Viscott

Did you know: There are two major theories about the causes of hangover. The first theory is the withdrawal theory, which suggests that hangover is really a type of mild alcohol withdrawal. The second theory is that the hangover is due not to the alcohol per se but other things in the alcohol, the so-called congeners. A beverage alcohol is usually not 100 percent pure.

For example, whiskey may be distilled, but then it's stored in charred-oak barrels for years and years, so you get all of these compounds that leach out of the barrels and then get degraded over time. There are hundreds of biological compounds in alcohol beverages

Thought of the day: See Ron, last night turned out great! Keg stands? Luchadors? Random women? And Ollie, even though we didn't have kobe beef, and the fetticini noodles were dry, last night was so fun! I'm sure George had a great time! HA! Two people are gonna be mad at me now! Hey Cecile, how'd you like the old people bar, come out more often! Tonight at House of Blues San Diego is gonna be the shizz, also Fulltown peeps are coming so I'm so excited! Everyone please make sure I end up in a car and not the detox van please, thanks. Here pics from the Rox before I was too much. Peas.
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Don't you hate when you see pictures and you're like, "I had that to drink? Damnit! Who made me take that shot! It's your fault I feel like this!" That might just be me though.
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At one point I was A-OK...ho humm...

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